Urgent Call! Rescuing Collective Imagination: The Imperative Duty of Social Actors in the Present Crisis

Juan Álvarez
The Intersubjectivist
3 min readMar 21, 2024


Image: Venn diagram about the relationship between imagination, reality and creativity by Juan Álvarez

In the intricate tapestry of our contemporary reality, creativity, constitutive imagination, and critical thinking stand as vital threads that could weave the promising future we yearn for. Yet, these essential pillars are faltering under the crushing weight of a crisis that not only affects innovation but also our collective vision. How many more resources will we invest in new versions of electronic devices indistinguishable from their predecessors? And when will we begin investing in innovations that truly transform people’s lives? In this profound analysis, we delve into the heart of this issue, pointing to those who have the power to steer the ship toward bolder horizons, but who, for the most part, have foundered in the calm waters of complacency.

The Reality We Ignore: Reality is much more than a mere backdrop to our lives; it is the solid rock upon which our understanding of the world is built. However, this reality, though objective in its essence, becomes subjective when filtered through the lenses of individual and collective perception. It is these perceptions, shaped by experiences, beliefs, and individual values, that often lead us away from a shared understanding and plunge us into a sea of divergent interpretations and conflicts.

The Lament of Suffocated Creativity: Creativity, that muse that has inspired artists, scientists, and revolutionaries throughout history, is being stifled by mediocrity and complacency. In a world that values uniformity over originality, bold ideas fade away in the clamor of conformity. Creativity, far from being a mere act of imagination, is the life force that breathes into existence innovative and transformative solutions. It is the antidote to monotony and obsolescence, the engine that drives progress and the evolution of society.

Constitutive Imagination: Forging Alternative Realities: Constitutive imagination is the beacon that guides us beyond the limits of the known, exploring the vast territories of the possible. It is the blank canvas where we paint our boldest visions and highest aspirations. Through constitutive imagination, we build bridges to alternative worlds, shaping reality according to our deepest desires and dreams. It is this capacity to visualize and construct alternative realities that drives us to challenge the status quo and seek new forms of organization and coexistence.

Social Actors and Their Responsibility: In this bleak panorama, social actors — politicians, opinion leaders, philosophers, and universities — stand as guardians of the flame of creativity and imagination. However, instead of nurturing this fire, many have chosen to smother it with mediocrity and complacency. Politicians, trapped in the endless cycle of partisan politics and short-termism, neglect the promotion of policies that foster creativity and critical thinking. Opinion leaders, in their quest for popularity, perpetuate simplistic and stereotyped narratives that stifle the creative potential of society. Philosophers, entrenched in abstract debates, have lost sight of their role as agents of social change. And universities, focused on training technicians and specialists, have relegated creativity and imagination to the background.

It is imperative that social actors urgently assume their responsibility in this crisis of imagination. Politicians must leave behind empty promises and adopt policies that stimulate creativity and critical thinking, instead of prioritizing their next reelection. Opinion leaders must cease to fuel polarization and begin to promote dialogue and collaboration. Philosophers must abandon their ivory towers and offer deep analysis and meaningful proposals to address contemporary challenges, thus contributing to crafting the new narrative so indispensable in this era. And universities have the responsibility to recognize the importance of fostering creativity and imagination in their students, forming not only competent technicians but also critical and visionary citizens.

The crisis of imagination is a challenge that goes beyond the individual and the collective, penetrating the very fabric of our society. We face an urgent call to awaken from the lethargy of complacency and recognize the vital importance of creativity and imagination. The lack of these skills not only plunges us into despair but also condemns us to superficiality, where solutions are mere appearances and proposals lack vision. Moreover, it hurls us into an abyss of dystopias, where the absence of imagination serves as a breeding ground for bleak and discouraging scenarios. Only by assuming our collective responsibility and committing to a bold and hopeful future can we overcome this crisis and erect a world where creativity and imagination are the pillars that sustain our shared reality.



Juan Álvarez
The Intersubjectivist

Autor, filósofo y especialista en narrativa, creatividad, pensamiento disruptivo, y líder en servicios creativos. Story-Coach, guionista y marketer digital.