An Unlikely Christmas Miracle

Lucky Lover 🍀
The Intimate Cabinet
5 min readDec 12, 2023


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With her chopsticks, Miriam pushed the end of the last spring roll through the sauce on her plate. It was late, but she had nowhere else to be on Christmas night. Everything else was closed, and even though she was Jewish, she didn’t want to feel alone on Christmas. For five years now, Miriam continued to dine alone at the same Chinese Restaurant that she and David had been coming to for decades. Miriam, a widow in her early sixties, was the last patron left at King Panda.

Hong, who took over the restaurant from his father, had released the remaining staff an hour ago. He checked on his guest regularly, but not so as to seem like he was rushing her. Quite the opposite. Hong had waited on the whole Silverberg family on many Christmases past. But now there was just Miriam. And, he too, was alone. He’d kept his attraction to Miriam to himself. Always respectful. But tonight, he could not keep silent.

He slipped into the booth across from Miriam, something he’d never done, in over twenty years. She was flustered.

“I’m sorry. I startled you, Mrs. Silverberg,” he bowed his head in apology, but more so to avoid her gaze.

“Miriam. Call me Miriam for god sakes, Mr. Hong!”



Lucky Lover 🍀
The Intimate Cabinet

Erotic Stories, Poetry, and Personal Journals by Lucky. He writes the stories, Miss Lucky edits them. We both love your feedback! 🍀😎😘👠