Decipher a Writer

The Intoxicating Unhinged Mind
2 min readFeb 10, 2021


A poem

Photo by Angela Bailey on Unsplash

moving forward

Sitting swaying like a wild dog

“Everything he kept saying is something it isn’t.”

Ah I’ve stepped off the curb.
and now I’m predicting
or is it remembering?

Is it John the saint
on an island?

a saint? A Saint.

But “No man is an island,
Entire of itself”

(He was a prophet.)

(He was an apostle.)

-lets run through the fields
where’s Adam? I’m Eve.
“She is me” like a twin

Kind sir

Lover of the seas and
all things beneathes

Jesus -did you know,
goes beneath goes below
to gather the keys

Did you read it?

No, that’s what they say
That’s what they say

Then there’s Dante,

Here descending down
into this centre….
[the] vast place thou
burn[s] to return.”



The Intoxicating Unhinged Mind

A writer and sensitive realist who takes risks with the intention of progress