Forgiveness: Let go grudges and complaints

Anirudh b
The Intoxicating Unhinged Mind
4 min readJan 4, 2021
From Unsplash by Brett Jordan

Forgiveness is the gift you give to yourself. It is by forgiving them for their actions. It can be words, thoughts & actions. It is not possible to forgive others for their actions. It takes time and its a gradual process.

Every person goes through this. When a person gets hurt badly. People want to look for mediums to hurt another person. It’s more like you throw a brick at me. I will throw a stone at you.

It’s more of Tit for Tat. You must have noticed many people in your environment. They will be jealous of you. when you meet that person in gatherings. They will be seeing us from and holding grudges against you.

people don’t realize. That by holding grudges or complaints. They are actually damaging their own life. The people are moving forward. But the person holding grudges against another person. He will not be able to advance in his own life.

You will find many people in your environment. who will hold a lot of grudges against you? It’s important to not feel bad. But focus on improving yourself for the better every day.

What is Forgiveness?

Forgiveness is when someone does bad to you. But you forgive the person irrespective of his deeds. It means to let go of resentment towards the person hurting you. You can feel hurt by anyone. It can be your immediate family members, friends, relatives, neighbors, etc.

The important thing is to have a heart of forgiveness. forgiveness does not mean to forgive the person. But it also means to learn the experience of being close to the wrong people. Everything is a learning experience. If you use it for yourself.

Advantages of Forgiving Others:

Peace within: If you are able to forgive others. Then you are on the path of absolute happiness. As people do not forgive others for their actions. Forgiving others gives a sense of calmness & peace within your own life. You are able to prioritize important things in life. It will also make you focus on improving yourself for the better.

Better relationship: Relationship become stronger if it has forgiveness for each other. If you find your relative has done something wrong. Then also you are able to forgive that person. It means you treasure the person more than being right.

Reduced Stress: Stress is a common factor in many relationships. It can be a sibling, couple, friends, office colleague, etc. It’s important to forgive others for a better concentration on your productivity. Forgiving others will make you courageous. It will inculcate good qualities in your own life.

The Effects of Holding a Grudge:

  • You are so unhappy with yourself
  • Not able to concentrate on work properly
  • Other relationships get effected
  • Lose yourself in the process
  • Start to feel depressed
  • Not able to enjoy the life

Is Forgiveness the answer to Healing:

The Answer is Yes. If you wish to savor the joy of life. It is important to forgive others. Not for them but for yourself. You will be able to bring a better-self from within. people around you will appreciate you for your kindness. You will be able to appreciate others and yourself. people will respect you for your conduct and forgiveness. The most important thing is it will make you have a good peaceful sleep at night.

Can Forgiveness change the person:

No one is here to judge another person. You as a person can do your best to make peace with others. It is another person’s karma to change or not to change. Your karma is in your hand. Not other people’s karma. Focus on yourself by not creating bad karma. If you are correct in your actions. Then you need not worry. Karma will take care of another person’s actions.

If You are not able to forgive:

Let me share an example of an inspiring person. His name is Nelson Mandela. He was prisoned in the remotest place for 27 years. He could have decided to hold a lot of grudges against people. But the moment he came out. His actions were totally opposite. He wanted to rebuild South-Africa. He became the president and worked on improving the economic situation. His hard work paid off in uniting the black & white people. So it’s important to follow the example of inspiring people to forgive others.

Grudges & complaints erase all the good from a person’s life. It is like giving all your money for drugs. It does not help in any way. People having grudges are not able to rise up from the normal tendencies. This in turn results in negative revolving around them. That person will make others also miserable. If you enter a drop of dirt in clean water. Whole water becomes dirty. so in the same way. Negative people will only make the environment negatively.

Let’s rise above lesser self and work on a better self. I will just like to conclude by saying. Don’t hold grudges or complaints. but work on improving yourself.

My key takeaway is to Negativity is the root cause of all suffering. So Always Be Positive !!!

