God Is Our Sovereign Lord, Not Our Puppet Master

Michelle Renee Kidwell
The Intoxicating Unhinged Mind
4 min readJun 6, 2022



God doesn’t sit on his heavenly throne, controlling us the way a master puppeteer controls his puppets. And despite popular misconception God is not the author of struggle, pain and wars, that’s Satan’s territory, but the Lord can use these things to draw us closer to him, he has the power to use something horrible and turn it around.

It would be easy for God just to tell us what to do, to put the words in our mouths, but he gave us free will, we’ve been allowed to make decisions for ourselves, we make our own mistakes, these aren’t God’s mistakes, he is incapable of making mistakes.

God is a Sovereign God, not our puppet master. He reaches out to us in love, and even when he seems far away, he’s either walking with us, or he’s carrying us.

SOVEREIGN ‘sɑv.(ə)r(.ə)n noun. A supreme ruler.2. adjective. Possess supreme or final power.[Sovereignty ‘sɑv.(ə)r(.ə)n.ti noun.]

A Sovereign God is not the same as a puppet master, we are allowed to make our own mistakes, but it does seem to be easy for humanity to blame suffering on God, we watch wars in far off lands, and wars in our own lands, drugs, gangs, guns, murder, Uvalde Tx, Brooklyn New York, it’s all a bit much, and we want to blame someone so we are quick to blame God, but he is not the author of pain, or suffering.

