Worry for Mental health Of Children Rather than Education

Anirudh b
The Intoxicating Unhinged Mind
4 min readJan 20, 2021
Yannis H from Unsplash

Children are a very important part of any family. Having children in a family fills them with joy. The most important part of any marriage is having children later. The children make the family complete in every sense. It is children that bring a smile on elders' faces.

The child’s growth happens the way parents guide their children. It can be either a positive way or a negative way. Parents have a bigger responsibility in bringing up the child. Their words & actions are very important for children.

Parents need to inculcate good qualities in their children. Good Qualities are important for leading a better life. A child starts to get judged by the age of 3. What all beliefs, religion, the behavior will define the growth of his.

Education: Education is very important for every child. It is the way for a child to stand on his own feet. Without education, no child can develop himself. Education makes the child independent and mature enough. He can make his own decisions in life.

people only respect a person for his education. It's important to take care of a child’s education in the best possible way. It is also important to take care of a child’s mental health.

Mental health: Mental health is very important for a child. If the mental health of a child is not good. Then he requires immediate attention. Parents need to be very active in reading a child’s behavior.

If the parents are not taking care of the child’s mental health. It can get very dangerous. Children can easily get influenced by negative people. It is important to keep that in mind.

children have a very pure heart. Their hearts need good care and nourishment. Parents taking good care of children are contributing to their better future.

Need Support: children who have no support from parents or family members. They do fall into bad habits of smoking, drinking & drugs at a later age. As they enjoy those kinds of friends.

They feel this is the right thing for them. They are not able to judge what is right or wrong. They will believe what their friends are saying. Every day many children get kidnapped or raped. They are also made to begging.

Family Role: Families have a very big role to play in this. If a family is not able to listen to what a child is conveying. It will be bad for a child. As the child will start to lose confidence himself. He will not consider himself unimportant. His actions will be of killing himself. It can be of depression as well.

This can be very alarming. children having caring parents & families are indebted to them for a lifetime. Children having not so caring parents will only curse the family & parents.

Worries: Children worry about many things. It could be losing out on friends, studies, exams, shouting at them. Also family situation, Fights at home, teasing, etc. These factors impact a student's life in a big way. children need the best environment to flourish & grow. They need supporting parents. Who all always available without saying a word.

Peer Pressure: parents need to see that they are not giving too much pressure. To perform well in school, extracurricular activities & other fields. All parents want their children to score good grades in schools. It is a competition among children to get good marks.

If a child gets fewer marks. Parents are ready to scold a child. To make him realize he needs to work harder for his next exams. It is important to know that if a child is not pressurized. He will automatically get good marks. It is just the support required from parents. Marks don’t decide the future of a child. By supporting a child. You are actually giving him wings to fly.

No Abuse: It is important to understand children. Parents shouting or abusing them in front of people. It will create a bad effect on them. children are very sensitive. They will start ignoring the person shouting. They will keep a distance from them. It will not end in a good way. As the child will become aggressive in their behavior.

Talk Openly: The more parents are open in talking to children. The better it will be for children to believe. Parents have to make their child comfortable talking about all topics. It can be of drugs, sex, relationships. This way the child will be open to talking at crucial times. These things can only be discussed after a certain age. It is important to keep that in mind.

Depression: The importance of mental health can be seen for a person depressed. Any & every child needs love, care & compassion to live. If these things are missing. Then there are chances he will fall into depression. It will affect the overall outlook of a child. The child will lose interest in everything.

Mental Well being is a vital factor for everything. If a child is mentally strong. He will be able to do many things in life. If his mental condition is not good. He will not be able to do even the easiest of a task in hand. It can get worse if the situation is not brought under control.

The brain is the mainframe computer of a body. From where all decisions are given. If the brain is not functioning well. Then how can a person even stand a chance to do anything worthwhile?

So it’s important to take care of children till they are independent. As the child will be happy in later years for the care & love he received from his family members.

Hope this adds some value to your life. Share your comments below for my learning.

