Your House

Talaya McCain
The Intoxicating Unhinged Mind
1 min readJun 8, 2020

I’ll set aside a room for you and them.

A place where they can come and go.

A bed to rest their weary adventurous souls.

A desk for when they’re gone and you’re all alone.

Where you can sit and create your home.

A lamp to guide you through the midnight hours.

A cactus because I know you hate flowers.

I’ll leave a green book on a pine nightstand.

And if they dare to look, I’m sure they’ll find my scripted hand.

I saw you at the airport once again.

I sat with you in the room for an uninterrupted span.

You questioned my steps and I enjoyed your company.

I’ll carry away, always, a room for you and me.

Hey! Thank you for reading. I would love to read your work as well. Please leave a link in the comments!



Talaya McCain
The Intoxicating Unhinged Mind

I am a neuro-chemical that triggers levels of dopamine and norepinephrine to increase.... Spotify: @talayamccain