Everyone Needs It

Taylor Keller
The Invaluableness of Time
2 min readSep 21, 2017

Time management is a skill that everyone should possess, as it helps us check-off our mental to-do lists and keep our priorities in line. It’s fascinating to think about how vast of an impact time really has on our lives- it literally runs them. My philosophy on the idea of work encompasses the importance of time, and that work would be much more meaningless in the absence of time. Acquiring, maintaining, and improving this skill is beneficial to everyone and anyone that has any sort of responsibility. Time is the underlying factor that allows us to be productive and enjoy ourselves. Its power is nearly intimidating; however, with the right managerial skills, it is also exhilarating to think about the distances we can go if we utilize it correctly. I plan to research tips for prioritizing, as well as different, perhaps unique, methods to getting jobs done. I am aware that not all mechanisms work for all people, but I’m curious as to why that is. Is there a universal structure or system that could work for the majority of people? Throughout the next two weeks, I intend on practicing different forms of time management; maybe through excess use of a daily planner, or sticky-note reminders, or a whole different approach that I find in my research. Trial and error is the best way of exercising and perfecting this skill, because YOU need to know what works for YOU. I will ask peers, professors, and family members how they prioritize and ensure they are productive each day, and I will also conduct research on what definitely is not an efficient manager, despite what some may think. At the conclusion of these blog posts, I hope to be much more aware and educated on how to not only be productive, but have opportunities to do the things I want.

