13 Shocking Reasons Crypto Fails You

Why Bitcoin Won’t Make You Wealthy (But Will Make You Cry)

Jay Krasnow
Investor’s Handbook


Photo of Bitcoin ATM
Photo taken by author

With more than 10,000 companies offering cryptocurrencies, one might ask: “Which one is best for me?”

My answer is a resounding: None of them. Stay away from cryptocurrencies, no matter how entrepreneurial you are or how smart you think you are.

Warren Buffett’s Take

I’ve given a list below of 13 reasons why you shouldn’t invest in cryptocurrencies. But first, I’ll give you Warren Buffett’s take. (By the way, Buffet is the third-richest man in the world and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway). According to Buffet, “In terms of cryptocurrencies, generally, I can say with almost certainty they will come to a bad ending.”

Now I’m not an investment guru or a lawyer, but I have done my homework, and have a high level of certainty that nothing good will come of you investing in any cryptocurrency.

But before I give my billboard of 13 reasons why you should run from cryptocurrencies like the plague, I’ll say a few words about what cryptocurrencies and blockchain are.

What Is Cryptocurrency?

A cryptocurrency is a digital asset that people use as investments, or for online purchases. You can buy…



Jay Krasnow
Investor’s Handbook

Former CIA officer | Most-definite Southpaw — Mind Cafe | Better Marketing | Writers Cooperative | Publishous — Tweet: @JayKrasnow