Gen-Z’s Costliest Money Nightmares

2. Following a worn-out path

Marcus Chan
Investor’s Handbook


Image designed by the author.

7 out of 10 Malaysian adults suffer from chronic diseases.

My friend and I immediately set up a WhatsApp group and made an effort to go make sweat puddles every weekend, after getting slapped with this statistic. We decided exercising will not just be a hobby, but a lifestyle.

Despite the health aspect, we all used it as an excuse to get away from the mundaneness of our working lives, let that rage monster inside us out for a while, get better in-shape (most of us are single), and just see each other. It quickly became one of the greatest ideas we’ve ever had. I’d recommend this to every one of you.

Sweet victory

After each of our intense two-hour sweat sessions, we’d all go for lunch somewhere nearby or fancy, depending on how thick our wallets are that month.

Typically, we’d talk about work, games, dating lives, and places we want to go. And that’s pretty much the summary of all our lives. Sad, huh? We all have the same lives.

But one topic that consistently gets my insides fired up is money.

Money problems



Marcus Chan
Investor’s Handbook

Writer by title, storyteller at heart. Writing about life, money, and work. Newsletter: Ebook: