Handle Risk Carefully To Enhance Your Startup Funding Opportunities

Ankit Sharma
Investor’s Handbook
6 min readNov 20, 2023

Achieving a balance between cash and risk is difficult in the startup world. However, to gain startup funding, you must understand its importance and how you can approach it to ensure your business growth. Through this blog, we will analyze how managing risk works in the startup world and how you can benefit from it!

Key Words

  • In startup funding, risk, and cash are intertwined factors that significantly influence each other.
  • The cash burn rate is crucial as it provides insight into how quickly the company spends its available capital.
  • Founders can calculate the cash exhausting time limit by dividing the current cash balance by the cash burn rate.
  • Every startup must have a burn rate that ensures at least six months of cash runaway to support its growth.

Risk & Cash: The Key Elements In Startup Funding

Are you scared to face investors due to the paramount risk involving your startup? Don’t feel demotivated! You need to enhance your risk management skills to attract investors. Founders need a comprehensive understanding of how to manage risk and cash effectively. The critical relationship between risk and cash in startup funding is fundamental to the success and sustainability of a startup. In startup funding, risk, and cash are intertwined factors that significantly influence each other. To enhance your confidence in facing angel investors, we will dive deeper to understand this relationship and how you can manage it through this blog! So stay tuned.

Risk in the startup landscape encompasses various dimensions, such as market uncertainties, operational challenges, and financial intricacies. Understanding and effectively managing these risks are crucial for founders seeking funding. Investors, particularly angel investors, assess the risk profile of a startup before committing capital. The level of risk perceived by investors can impact their willingness to invest and the terms under which they provide funding.

Cash, on the other hand, is the lifeblood of a startup. Adequate cash flow is essential for meeting day-to-day operational expenses, pursuing growth opportunities, and weathering unforeseen challenges. Insufficient cash can lead to a startup’s demise, regardless of its potential or market opportunity. The relationship between risk and cash becomes evident in how the management of one influences the other. It requires a strategic and transparent approach to foster a successful and mutually beneficial partnership in the challenging startup funding landscape.

The Eminence Of Cash Burn Rate

The foremost step towards managing the risk is understanding the cash burn rate. It is crucial for startup founders as it provides insight into how quickly the company spends its available capital. This metric, often expressed as a monthly or weekly figure, indicates how a startup consumes its cash resources to cover operating expenses, including salaries, overhead, and other costs. Recognizing the significance of the cash burn rate is essential for financial planning and sustainability, as it directly impacts the financial health of the startup.

The cash burn rate is intricately linked to the runway of a startup. The runway represents the estimated time until the startup exhausts its available cash. Founders can calculate the runway by dividing the current cash balance by the cash burn rate. This temporal metric is a critical indicator of the startup’s financial viability and ability to reach key milestones or secure additional funding before running out of capital. Every startup must have a burn rate that ensures at least six months of cash runaway to support its growth. Effectively managing the cash burn rate is imperative for extending the runway, giving the startup more time to achieve crucial milestones and attract further investments.

Risk Mitigation And Investor Attraction

Reducing risk significantly enhances the attractiveness of a startup to angel investors. Investors seek opportunities with a balanced risk-reward profile, and startups that demonstrate a clear understanding of potential challenges and a proactive approach to risk mitigation are more likely to secure funding. Effectively communicating risk mitigation strategies in pitches and presentations builds confidence among investors, showcasing the founders’ strategic foresight and commitment to long-term success.

Demonstrating a clear risk mitigation plan in a pitch involves articulating an awareness of potential risks and outlining concrete steps and strategies to address and overcome these challenges. This instills confidence in investors and differentiates the startup from competitors that may not have a well-defined risk management framework. A transparent and well-communicated risk mitigation plan contributes to building a solid investor-founder relationship based on trust and shared objectives.

It also depends on the founders’ confidence whether they can influence the angel investors to invest despite the risk. We have one incredible example of it. You must have heard about the case of Theranos and its founder, Elizabeth Holmes. Theranos was a healthcare technology company that claimed to have revolutionized blood testing with its proprietary technology. Elizabeth Holmes, the charismatic founder and CEO, portrayed herself as a visionary entrepreneur and attracted significant investments, reaching a valuation of $9 billion at its peak.

Investors were drawn to Holmes’ compelling vision and the promise of a groundbreaking technology that could conduct a wide range of tests using just a few drops of blood. However, as it later became apparent, the claims made by Theranos were overstated, and the technology did not perform as promised. The company’s operations were shrouded in secrecy, and its lack of transparency raised concerns among some industry experts. So, what do you think? Understanding and mitigating the risk is better, or just covering it? Answer in the comment section!

The Ongoing Relationship

Maintaining an open line of communication with angel investors is integral to a successful and enduring partnership — regular updates on the startup’s progress, including successes and challenges, foster transparency and trust. Founders should provide investors with insights into risk mitigation efforts and cash management strategies, informing them about how the company navigates uncertainties. This ongoing dialogue helps investors stay engaged and feel confident in the founders’ ability to adapt and overcome challenges as they arise.

Seeking advice and guidance from experienced investors contributes to the ongoing relationship’s strength. Angel investors often bring valuable industry insights and a wealth of entrepreneurial experience. Actively engaging with them for advice on strategic decisions, potential challenges, and growth opportunities not only leverages their expertise but also strengthens the collaborative nature of the founder-investor relationship. This dynamic exchange fosters a sense of partnership and shared commitment to the startup’s long-term success. If you want to have such a relationship with your angel investor, connect with Exitfund.


Now, it’s easy for you to grasp risk and cash dynamics thoroughly. It positions founders to navigate the complexities of entrepreneurship more effectively and increases their appeal to potential investors. Angel investors, in turn, seek founders who recognize the challenges and actively manage and mitigate risks while maintaining a disciplined approach to cash management. We encourage founders to actively manage risk and cash for a successful partnership with angel investors. However, if you are still confused about the different strategies you can implement, comment below, and we will help!



Ankit Sharma
Investor’s Handbook

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