Healthy Dividends: Three Key Metrics to Watch

Don’t get lured in by that sky-high yield

Todd Lincoln, MBA
Investor’s Handbook


Photo by Dan Dennis on Unsplash

As I’ve discussed in many articles, dividends are a powerful investing strategy for those looking for steady income.

I won’t rehash those points. If you want a reminder, check them out here:

Today, I want to talk about how not all dividends are created equal. Assessing the health and sustainability of a company’s dividend payments is critical for investors looking to build a sustainable income stream. To evaluate the strength of dividends, investors should consider several key metrics that shed light on a company’s ability to maintain and grow its dividend payouts over time.

Dividend Yield



Todd Lincoln, MBA
Investor’s Handbook

Stock-market investor, battle-scarred entrepreneur, and fireside philosopher. Creator of Investor’s Handbook: