Stock Market. Image from Alesia Kozik on Pexels

How to Learn & Experience Stock Market & Trading for FREE

Digit Finance
Investor’s Handbook
6 min readAug 2, 2023


Yes!, Experience the Real Markets FOR FREE!!

Do you want to Experience the Stock Market? , Want to Buy Stocks, Crypto, Bonds, Forex, and Futures for Fun and Without experiencing the fear of Losing Money? Why Worry? When your Finance Guy is here. Today, I will make you aware of 5 Platforms, where you can Buy & Sell, See your Portfolio for FREE like Real Trading Platforms (E.g. WeBull, TradeStation, etc.)

Let’s Start the Blog with The First and Best Platform :

1) TradingView

TradingView is One of the Best Virtual Stock Trading Platforms, where you just have to Sign-up and can easily Trade Stocks for FREE.


  • Advanced Charting Tools: The platform offers a wide range of technical analysis tools, indicators, and drawing tools, allowing users to conduct in-depth analysis of price movements and trends.
  • Cross-Platform Access: TradingView is a web-based platform, which means you can access it from any device with an internet connection. It also has mobile apps for trading on the go.
  • Wide Asset Coverage: TradingView provides a wide range of financial instruments, including stocks, forex, cryptocurrencies, commodities, and indices, among others.
  • Integration with Brokers: Many brokers offer integration with TradingView, allowing users to place trades directly from the platform, making it convenient for active traders. (**Only TradingView’s Paper Trading is FREE**)
  • Customizable Alerts: Users can set up price alerts, indicator alerts, and other customizable alerts to stay informed about potential trading opportunities.
  • User-Friendly Interface: TradingView has an intuitive and user-friendly interface, making it accessible to both beginners and experienced traders.


  • Limited Historical Data: The free version of TradingView has limited access to historical data, which can be a limitation for those who rely heavily on backtesting strategies.
  • Premium Features Require Payment: While TradingView offers a free version, many advanced features and indicators require a subscription to a paid plan
  • Learning Curve: While the platform is user-friendly, understanding and utilizing all the advanced tools may take some time and effort for new users.
  • NO Price Limit: There is no Price Limit. that kills the taste of Real Stock Trading. **FUN FACT**: I made $1253920.5 with Bitcoin (BTC) because of no Buying Limit. but, other platforms are not like this. so, don’t worry.

2) Investopedia Simulator

Personally, This is my Favourite. Investopedia has done a Brilliant Job in making this. It’s a favorite among many beginners and aspiring traders due to its user-friendly interface, educational resources, and realistic simulation of market dynamics. You will get $100,000.00 to Trade. Here’s a closer look at the features and benefits of the Investopedia Simulator:


  • Realistic Trading Experience: The simulator aims to replicate the real stock market as closely as possible. It includes real-time price data, order execution, and market fluctuations, providing users with a realistic trading experience.
  • Diverse Asset Classes: The simulator covers various asset classes beyond stocks, including options, forex, and cryptocurrencies. This allows users to explore different markets and trading techniques.
  • Portfolio Tracking: Users can track their virtual portfolio’s performance over time, gaining insights into the effectiveness of their strategies and decision-making.


  • Limited Emotional Realism: While the simulator replicates market mechanics, it doesn’t capture the emotional aspects of real trading, such as the psychological impact of gains and losses.
  • Delayed Data: The simulator’s data might be delayed by a few minutes, which can impact the accuracy of price movements and timely decision-making.
  • Simplified Order Execution: The execution of orders in the simulator might be more straightforward than in real trading platforms, potentially leading to a lack of understanding of the intricacies of order types and market conditions.
  • Potential Overconfidence: Users who perform well in the simulator might develop overconfidence and assume they can replicate the same success in real trading.

and, Beyond All of This. I bought Some Stocks & Crypto to Show you, How it Looks

See, How Cool It Looks. Image From Investopedia Simulator Panel
I Bought Apple Inc. Stocks Worth $4,000.
And, also I bought DogeCoin worth $500.

After, Sometime, maybe in the Next Blog, I will show you, How much I made/lost. Till then, let’s move forward to the Third and last Platform.

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3) Wall Street Survivor

It is also a Great Platform which has been TRUSTED BY
1,000,000 USERS
and also Featured in Forbes and Mashable.

Their step-by-step courses, videos, and real-time stock market simulator will help you learn how to invest in the stock market risk-free. In addition to providing the best stock market simulation and free courses, they also review dozens of financial products to help you filter through all the noise and make the best investing decisions.


  • Educational Content: The platform offers a variety of educational resources, including articles, tutorials, and videos. These resources are designed to help users understand investment concepts, trading strategies, and market dynamics.
  • Customizable Portfolios: Users can create and manage virtual portfolios, giving them the flexibility to test different investment strategies and track the performance of their holdings.
  • Real-Time Market Data: Wall Street Survivor strives to provide real-time stock market data, allowing users to experience market fluctuations as they would in real trading.
  • Practice with Different Asset Classes: In addition to stocks, Wall Street Survivor allows users to practice trading options, equities, and other investment vehicles, broadening their exposure to different markets.


  • Limited Realism: While Wall Street Survivor aims to replicate real trading experiences, it might not capture all the intricacies and emotions involved in actual trading, especially when real money is on the line.
  • Lack of Psychological Impact: Since there’s no real money at stake, users might not experience the same emotional responses to gains and losses that they would in real trading.
  • Messed-up UI: The Overall UI is so messed up with Ads. and Different options that Sucks! (Sometimes).
Bought Apple Inc. Stock as well as Whole Bitcoin(BTC)

So, that is it for the day. Don’t forget to check them all. You will enjoy these very much. I know that Real is Real and it cannot replace that tense emotions while trading with real money. But, The aim was to bring some joy into your lives and it will be surely helpful for those who don’t have the age/money to trade real.

If you liked reading. Please don’t forget to Clap 👏. If want to read such content, make sure to follow me and Subscribing the Email to get reminded whenever I upload.

Signing Off, Love you ❤ & Bye-Bye.

