In Zuckerberg We Trust

What is Facebook, now Meta, future?

Rui Yi Gan
Investor’s Handbook


Illustration by William Joel / The Verge

The Man Behind Meta

We all know the story. Harvard drop out, Facebook, billionaire, and now Meta. Regardless of all the controversy, Mark Zuckerberg changed the world. It is debatable if his impact is positive or not, but let’s just say that he played a major role in shaping how the world is today.

Just today, I read this 10-year-old article with the same title: In Zuckerberg We Trust on Forbes and realised that nothing much changed.

Trust & Facebook

Facebook’s main problem is trust. People don’t trust how Facebook is handling their personal information for years and it is not going well for Facebook. When Facebook first launched, the idea of digital information being monetizable is not common. In addition, people using Facebook don’t know how it works and are not aware of the potential dangers behind sharing their information.

However, as users become more knowledgeable and had options from Facebook rivals, there’s a tip in the balance of power. Facebook now has to address privacy issues to prevent losing its customers to potential rivals. They’re no longer the only ones in the arena.

And this whole privacy issue brings us to where Facebook is today.



Rui Yi Gan
Investor’s Handbook

I enjoy writing about life, college, and everything under the sky. Computer Science student in Singapore and a big fan of Conan O'Brien and Rick Riordan.