Severe ME centered audio project

Severe ME Awareness Day: August 8, 2017

Max Megan Elizabeth Morris
The Invisible
2 min readAug 5, 2017


hello severe ME friends 🌱 and hello people who want to improve the lives of our friends with severe ME!

We are going to try to produce some community audio :-)

Colleen posted in the North Carolina and Ohio ME/FM support group that she is compiling audio suggestions for patients with severe ME who can tolerate certain kinds. Please take a moment to read about her effort in honor of Severe ME Awareness Day on August 8, 2017.

We would like to start recording right away, if enough people can weigh in and give us their feedback.

If everything goes well we will keep making more.

*** Request for your comments (and private messages if you prefer) --

*** If you have severe ME, what would you like to have to listen to? Stories? Information like news or community sharing? Fiction, fact? poetry? Something else? If you share the parameters of what you can and cannot listen to, and what you really wish was available for you to listen to, we will try to make something for you.

*** If you are a person who wants to support those with severe ME, would you please watch the comments here for their requests? Help us to find (or create) written material... that we have or can quickly get permission to record... in mellow soothing audio, least likely to trigger sensory effects.

*** Please spread the word. The more comments we get, the more chance we can find lots of great words to make into audio.

ps. if you also enjoy reading to others and performing words as sound, or if you could help us find/make music we can include, please message me and we can coordinate for more voices and contributions to appear in these audios.

pps. need name for mellow, reality-grounding, lived-experience-validating audio program made based on requests from those with severe ME. pls offer ideas if you like naming things :-)

ppps. pls share in groups about severe ME? as i am crashing and must momentarily withdraw 💖💖💖

#MEawarenesshour #neuroME
#endMECFS #myalgicE #neuroimmunetoo
#myalgicencephalomyelitis #ME #CFS #MECFS #chronicfatiguesyndrome ( #fatiguemyass )



Max Megan Elizabeth Morris
The Invisible

I coordinate smart, loving community caring 4 all in extreme adversity. Severely disabled sex trafficking survivor -- seeking bravest ppl in world. U one? ❤️‍🔥