You Are Not Alone

Ongoing audio project on behalf of severe illness sufferers

Max Megan Elizabeth Morris
The Invisible
2 min readAug 5, 2017


Hello there! Thank you for stopping by. :-)

If you have a severe chronic multi-system illness and can record simple audio from your phone or other device, can you take a moment to read this post?

We would like to ask for your help — on behalf of those who are too severely ill to participate.

(This effort is related to this one, where we will be producing audio according to the needs of the severe ME community.)

We are asking severe illness sufferers who can to record short, 30-second-or-less messages intended to uplift other severe sufferers in remote locations.

The audio quality doesn’t have to be great — but the content is going to be incredible.

Thank you for giving this your consideration. ❤

A huge part of the Invisible community is made up of those with multi-system chronic illness like Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME), Chronic Lyme, Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (CIRS), Multiple Chemical Sensitivities (MCS), and other complicated conditions like these. Many confused and frightened people have discovered just how devastating this kind of illness can be, and do not know how they will survive.

Most of them are very isolated.

They cannot get sufficient medical care.

Their families and communities dismiss their voices and lived experience — often insisting that they are mentally ill or manipulative.

To reach out for help and receive no understanding or compassion shuts a person down. It is traumatic, and deadening.

Many of these sufferers do not even know that there is a community of others who are having, or have been through, a similarly gruesome experience.

We want to tell them that we are here, that as a community we are not going to stop trying to help them — and that they are not alone.

We are going to record short audios — try for less than 30 seconds, but please feel free to send longer audios if that’s what you can do.

If you use WhatsApp or Voxer, you can send your audio to me as a voice message.

You can also send it by email, if less than 25mb, to, or share it via Dropbox. Sharing via Soundcloud should also be an option if you have an account, or would like to make a free one.

(Hit me up for ideas if you need another way to do it.)

And please message me, on FB, on Twitter, via email — if you have questions or would like to help out in a different way.

Thank you! ❤

#MultiSystem #Chronic #InvisibleIllness #NeuroImmuneToo
#MEawarenesshour #neuroME #endMECFS #myalgicE
#MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #ME #CFS #MECFS
#severeME #ChronicLyme #NeuroLyme
#CIRS #mold #biotoxin #illness



Max Megan Elizabeth Morris
The Invisible

I coordinate smart, loving community caring 4 all in extreme adversity. Severely disabled sex trafficking survivor -- seeking bravest ppl in world. U one? ❤️‍🔥