Photo by Will Tarpey on Unsplash

My First Solo Adventure….

Stuti Sharma
The Inward Journey
Published in
3 min readJun 6, 2024


  1. The wake-up call

The call to wake up from my grief came like a beckoning light in the darkness. Stuck in the overwhelming emotions after losing my mother, I couldn’t bear the pain any longer. I decided it was time to break free, to find something that would liberate me from this prison of sorrow. That’s when the idea struck — I would go on a journey alone, giving myself the space to be with my own thoughts and emotions for a few days.

2. The Final Destination

After much research and letting my heart guide me, I settled on Udaipur as my final destination. It wasn’t an easy choice with my limited funds, but my sister came through, managing to book me a room and even air-conditioned train tickets.

3. The Adventure Begins

You must be wondering why am I calling it an adventure. Well, just read further.

Once in Udaipur, I was fascinated by the stunning locations like the City Palace and Saheliyon Ki Bari. Eager to document every moment, I turned to my phone, fervently making TikTok videos at every turn. But in a cruel twist of fate, I dropped and broke my device, leaving me stranded without money or a working phone in this unfamiliar city. The only number I could remember was my boyfriend’s — or should I say ex-boyfriend now. That’s another story entirely, but I’m grateful he sent me funds to repair my lifeline.

My aunt, too, offered a helping hand by wiring some money so I could continue venturing out onto the vibrant streets. In those moments of solitude amidst the bustling city, I realized I wasn’t truly alone.

4. Hello Stranger!

One evening while sitting at a cafe, a stranger approached me — a fellow solo traveler from the United States. He shared tales of his countless adventures across countries, all in pursuit of the same inner peace I sought. Just imagining it was daunting for me, having been scared to even leave my home state. Yet there he was, a kindred spirit who had crossed oceans for self-discovery. We spent a wonderful evening sharing food, stories, and an unspoken understanding before bidding each other farewell. Post which I went for a camel ride. Made a video riding on it too! Yeah, I know. No lessons learnt!

4. Bidding Farewell

Sadly, most photographs from this life-changing trip were lost over time, but the memories remain etched into the depths of my soul. As I gazed out the train window on my journey home, I realized this adventure was about more than just the destination. It was about the experiences, the personal growth, and the lessons learned along the way. Those are the true treasures of any journey.

And one last thought — doesn’t everyone agree that there’s nothing quite like a train journey, with its gentle rocking motion and the aroma of cutlets wafting through the air? It’s an experience unmatched by any other mode of transportation.

I hope you enjoyed this transformative tale as much as I enjoyed living it. But don’t worry, this is just the beginning — stay tuned for more stories from my life’s adventures!



Stuti Sharma
The Inward Journey

Hi, I'm Stuti Sharma. I'm a primary teacher by profession, dedicated to shaping young minds. Traveling, dancing, and spending time with dogs bring me joy.