The iOS App Store Business
2 min readJan 25, 2015


iOS App Store Business Tens

To brag about the vast amount of nonsense I receive in fiverr messages is my favourite thing but this time I go beyond 140.

This should be your eye opener if you are a game developer or app dev wannabe or just any newbie in this app business. I really don’t care if you agree with me, facts are facts!

Fact 1

Apparently you can make lot of money on apps. “It is possible” would be far more accurate and certainly more honest information for you at this stage.

Fact 2

App business is not final destination for all those who could not make it elsewhere. You will make more money by selling your junk on ebay. If you still left with anything at all.

Fact 3

Your first app is guaranteed failure. If I am wrong consider yourself lucky. Your second and third may have a chance but don’t worry coz you can always try to sell your junk.

Fact 4

Think you were born as a game developer/designer? You may think that your 360 or PS were your pro mentors. In fact you wasted your time. Hockey players don’t sit in the audience.

Fact 5

If you still reading your chances in this business are increasing! If you have not given up yet you will be tempted again and again. Can you get used to it?

Fact 6

iOS App Store is not easier version of Amazon or Ebay. It doesn’t matter whether you sell digital or physical copies. If you can’t sell you got yourself new hobby.

Fact 7

You don’t need to have any computer skills at all. In fact you don’t need to know where the power button of your mac is.

Fact 8

Your app idea is worth nothing. Someone else has done it already. It’s possible that it’s on iOS App Store already — mupltiple copies of it.

Fact 9

Execution is a key. Developement is only half of it and you are the one to take the blame for all.

Fact 10

It’s not going to work without Apple Developers Account and iTunes Connect is where you enter your bank account details. If you can outsource even this task than you have balls for anything. Or stupid for everything.

If you got this far than you are all set to go. Will be posting more on each fact and explain each in detail. Stay tunned and subscribe.



The iOS App Store Business

Mike is a #gamedev and #appdev at @studioslovack. Check out @fiverr gigs