What you should do this summer break

It took me fourteen years to learn the secret to an awesome summer, and it’s not what you think.

Zoe Olson
The iPad Artist
Published in
3 min readMay 14, 2016


See, most teens go into summers vowing to do nothing but sleep, eat, and go to the pool. That’s the way I was too, before. But there’s something missing here. Every school year, somehow we always forget what this plan inevitably leads to: boredom. In fact, most years I got so bored that I grew super depressed.

The problem is that sometimes we are so set on doing nothing that we don’t realize the consequences until it is too late. As in, too late in the summer to start doing stuff. Sure, add in Netflix to your list of activities, but it won’t help you feel content forever.

So, I’m telling you now to make a plan. A real plan. Think of all the things you want to accomplish -baking and decorating a cake, writing the first draft of a novel, starting a lawn mowing business- and write them down. Maybe you already do this before your summer starts, but you never get around to actually accomplishing anything. In that case, nail the list to the wall, put the list as your desktop wallpaper, and announce to the world what you are planning to do.

I am not an organized person naturally (I’m an INFP for goodness’ sake,) but I have learned that organizing my life in certain areas does make it easier to accomplish more of my dreams in a shorter period of time. You can be as specific or vague in regards to deadlines according to your comfort level, as long as you can achieve something by the end of summer break.

And this is where my announcement comes in!

My little brother (age 13) and I (age 15) are going to be making an APP this summer! He is a programming genius, and I am… well, I draw, so… we are the perfect team! Throughout the process, he will be teaching me programming, I will be teaching him art, and in the end we will both come out as well-rounded persons (hopefully!) You guys can be looking forward to updates throughout.



Zoe Olson
The iPad Artist

Just a girl trying to figure out life and how to create things that matter. Currently designing and coding an animation app for the iPad.