Enemies Of Free Speech Agitate To Remove Buchanan From Airwaves

The Issachar Institute
2 min readOct 3, 2019

Outrage has erupted over the news that Pat Buchanan will serve as a pundit on a reboot of the McLaughlin Group (a program he appeared on for decades) to be broadcast on PBS.

In contemporary America, progressives have exposed their true nature by suggesting that the best way to address ideas with which they disagree is not to debate them or to present a coherent refutation but rather to have such concepts banished altogether often under threat of violence.

As such, the purveyors of such enlightenment are suggesting that the columnist should not be allowed on the program for allegedly being a “White supremacist”.

It is argued that that particular ideology must be resisted with all possible means as it dehumanizes any that it does not look upon with favor.

Yet one article bemoaning the return of Pat Buchanan to regular broadcast news analysis is titled, “The Conservative Undead Will Never Leave Us”.

In other words, conservatives that do not go along with the prevailing consensus even when they do so with fully articulated reason free from gratuitous name calling are the equivalent of zombies.

And as viewers of the horror genre know, such creatures are worthy of no consideration as human beings for they no longer are.

You simply exterminate such monstrosities in the most efficient manner available.

So if the pundit’s supporters are expected to sanitize their rhetoric for fear it encourages outrageous acts of violence, why isn’t something similar expected of those demanding the elimination of our most basic of liberties in order to implement their particular cultural vision as well?

By Frederick Meekins



The Issachar Institute

Frederick Meekins is a blogger and Independent Christian Theologian