The World is Heating Up: Here’s What You Can Do About It

Many activists and campaigners are on TV, and on the streets, protesting the measures taken (or the lack of measures) to combat global warming. But what exactly is global warming, what are the reasons behind it and what can we do to stop it?

The Istanbul Chronicle
4 min readJan 21, 2022


What is Global Warming?

Global warming is “the long-term heating of Earth’s climate system observed since the pre-industrial period (between 1850 and 1900) due to human activities” (NASA). Examples of human activities include fossil fuel combustion and agriculture. Since the Industrial Revolution, human activities are thought to have increased Earth’s global average temperature by about 1 degree Celsius, a number that is currently increasing by 0.2 degrees Celsius per decade (NASA). Global warming is different from climate change in the sense that climate change also takes naturally caused warming into account alongside human-related activities. Examples of natural climate change include variations in Earth’s orbits, volcanic eruptions, and cyclical ocean patterns.

What causes Global Warming?

The greenhouse effect is shown as the primary cause of global warming. The greenhouse effect is the constant build-up of greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide and methane leading to an increase in the atmospheric temperature of the Earth. The steps of the greenhouse effect are as follows:

The Greenhouse Effect
  1. Electromagnetic radiation (light) passes through the Earth’s atmosphere
  2. The Earth’s surface absorbs most of this radiation causing the surface to heat up
  3. Some of the radiation in the form of infrared radiation (heat) is reflected in the atmosphere whilst some go into space
  4. Greenhouse gases in the atmosphere absorb some of this radiation and release it back to the surface of the Earth
  5. The surface and the lower atmosphere of the Earth warms up. (BBC Bitesize)

So, this raises the question: is the greenhouse effect bad? The answer is no. In fact, the existence of life on Earth is only possible due to the greenhouse effect. Without any greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, the Earth would be 18 degrees Celsius colder — too cold for any life to exist. The reason behind global warming is the enhanced greenhouse effect — the accumulation of extra greenhouse gases due to human activities such as the combustion of fossil fuels.

Why Does Global Warming Need More Attention?

Global warming is the cause of many draughts and heatwaves, floods and precipitations, hurricanes, and typhoons. Due to excessive greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, more heatwaves and droughts are expected. Due to rising sea levels which is the result of ice glaciers melting steadily, floods will be more common. Because of the oceans warming up, entire ecosystems are at risk — an example being the Great Barrier Reef. Arctic ice thickness and extent have been declining continuously over the past decades which puts thousands of animals at risk of losing their natural habitat. Unless urgent action is taken, there is no hope of revitalizing the original ecosystem.

What Can Be Done to Hinder Global Warming?

To tackle global warming effectively and thoroughly, the public and the government must be in sync. Governments should enforce regulations and laws that require companies to be carbon-free (net zero). These laws may include limitations on the tonnes of fossil fuels allowed to be combusted for energy and the obligation of filters for factory owners. The public should also put effort into transitioning their lives to be a carbon-free one by using public transportation regularly, purchasing recyclable products, not neglecting house maintenance, and making sure that there is efficient insulation (heat and sound) to reduce your energy output. Overall, global warming is an extensive issue that stems from a lot of issues that can only be resolved by the governments and the public working together. This means that both parties must be willing to sacrifice to save the world that has been hosing life for 3.7 billion years (Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History).

Work Cited

“Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet.” NASA, NASA,

“Climate Home.” Climate Home News,

“Overview: Weather, Global Warming and Climate Change.” NASA, NASA, 24 Aug. 2021,

“The Effects of Climate Change.” NASA, NASA, 26 Aug. 2021,

“Climate Change Evidence: How Do We Know?” NASA, NASA, 31 Aug. 2021,

“The Greenhouse Effect — Polluting the Atmosphere — Aqa — Gcse Chemistry (Single Science) Revision — Aqa — Bbc Bitesize.” BBC News, BBC,

“Early Life on Earth — Animal Origins.” Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History,

“How Have Humans Changed the Greenhouse Effect?” Quora, (Image)

