The WHOLE Sugar Story

The Isthmus
The Isthmus
Published in
4 min readOct 24, 2014

LOW FAT, 99% FAT FREE, ONLY 2% FAT, LESS THAN 10% FAT, REDUCED FAT….the reduction of fat from our diets is glorified by all types of food products possible. These labels are positioned and designed to stand out on foods as it increases their attractiveness and health status to everyday shoppers. It appears that the only food you can get that doesn’t have a reduced or low fat options are fruit and veggies — even meat comes stripped of excess fat. However, such glorification is ok right…because foods with the lowest amount of fat and the lowest amount of calories are good for us?

Such an attitude towards, or value of food has been promoted to society since the 1970’s when fat won the sugar vs fat debate. But what if I told you that all these years, we have been indoctrinated with a lie. What if I told you that the food pyramid that we look to as a standard of the healthiest eating is underpinned by biased and manipulated research? I know already that many of you who are reading this have just branded your swords, positioned your shields and are ready to fight me on this one to the death. I did the exact same up until 5 months ago.


My friend Matt Winkly had been trying to get me onto the high fat, low carbohydrates band wagon since I started training in his gym Wink Fit, in 2012. Every time he brought it up my response was the same….”You’re wrong, you’re wrong, you’re WRONG, WRONG, WRONG! Carbs are an essential part in our everyday diets — research says so.” However, what I didn’t consider was the prospect that this research could be wrong.


It wasn’t until I watched the documentary Cereal Killer’s that I was willing to withdraw my sword and lay down my shield. Cereal Killers documents DJ O’Neil’s experience of eliminating sugar from his diet, to demonstrate to society the negative impact of sugar (O’Neill, Noakes & Briffa, 2013). The documentary uses different changes in O’Neil’s health as evidence to promote the evils of sugar, and thus, to influence individuals attitudes and beliefs. But not only did the documentary provide evidence of the effects of sugar, but it provided explanation of why and how for all these years, we as society embodied a diet of sugar and carbohydrates.

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According to Weerakkody (2009) research is a wonderful and complex concept made up of many intertwining aspects and processes, which eventually lead to the discovery of new and empowering information that underpins the functioning of society. The key descriptive words here, such as ‘wonderful’, ‘complex’, ‘intertwining processes’ that all highlight why research is so great, also highlight how easy it is for research to wrong.

Unfortunately, not all research is underpinned by the theory of objectivism, that suggests the truth is out there and simply needs to be uncovered. Much research is underpinned by bias, sampling error, and the theory of subjectivism — the belief that that ‘meaning is imposed by its subjects’. 50 years later, we as a society are suffering the consequences of bias and subjectivism.

Back in the 1970s, two scientists in the USA set out on separate missions. One’s was to investigate the link between sugar and obesity and obesities associated risks. The other, Ancel Benjamin Keys set out to investigate the same link between fat and obesity. Through pure will power and force, Fat won the debate, and Keys had ‘solved’ the emergent obesity crisis. Now, 50 years down the track, we are still obese and it has come out that Keys manipulated his evidence to show trends that didn’t exist (shocker). The provision of this evidence, led to the demonization of fat, a complete over haul of the nutrition guidelines, and ultimately, an overhaul of society (O’Neill, 2013).


Despite the provision of evidence that the fat scientist was wrong, that he has manipulated his evidence, Governments in Western Countries continue, to promote a sugar and carb filled lifestyle through the media, health strategies and education. Tim Noakes, DJ O’Neil’s along with many other cereal slayers argue that it is a politically driven decision, underpinned by the fact that I diet free of carbs will be detrimental to the economy. This demonstrates the true power and influence the government and media have over society.


Now I am no nutritionist, so please do not go out and commit yourself wholly to the high fat low carb life. Be smart. If you are going to make a lifestyle change, then do your own research, your own experiments. Everybody works differently, so what works for some may not work for others. The purpose of this article is not to preach a life changing diet to you — we have enough eat, pray love preachers out there as it is. The purpose was simply to highlight the importance and relevance of critical thinking in everyday life. Diets, health advice, Refugees…let’s be honest, it’s not the first or the last time the government has only provided us with one side of the story.

