Doing Our Part for Our Planet

Earth Day 2017

The Iterable Blog
2 min readApr 21, 2017


Iterable’s core mission is to accelerate the growth of today’s businesses by enabling marketers to achieve omni-channel relevance, sending the right messages to the right device at the right times.

However, each year on April 22, we’re reminded that our growth and that of our clients is entirely dependent on the protection of our planet. No message is more important than environmental awareness, and there’s never been a time where earth’s survival has seemed so at risk.

As recent news headlines have shown, the EPA is systematically being taken apart, one key program at a time. Here are just a few of the startling facts from the new budget blueprint proposal submitted by the White House.

  • EPA funding would be cut by 31% and its staff would be reduced by 20%, potentially eliminating 3,000 jobs.
  • Funding and research for other key environmental initiatives, like the EPA’s air and water programs, would also be slashed by a third.
  • 38 programs face not just reduction, but complete abandonment, including climate change initiatives and the brownfield projects.
Do your part by donating to offset your carbon footprint at

This year, the Iterable team is dedicated to making a difference, which is why we are excited to partner with Segment and ten other companies to elevate environmental protection awareness and action.

Together with Amplitude, Chartio,, Delighted, Drift, GoSquared, Help Scout, Hull, Looker and, we’re proud to completely offset our collective carbon emissions for the entire year with a $20,540.84 combined donation to

We all ought to leave the world in a better position than when we entered it. As stewards of this planet, it is vital that we reduce our carbon footprint where we can and offset what we can’t.

We stand by our 11 partners in our joint effort to challenge the administration on its regressive dismantling of environmental protection in the United States.

If you’d like to join us this Earth Day in our fight to preserve this amazing planet we call home, visit to calculate your own carbon footprint and donate to offset its effect.

We appreciate your support!

Alyssa Jarrett is Content Marketing Manager at Iterable

