Want to minimize jet lag? Here’s what to eat and what to avoid

The Jakarta Post
The Jakarta Post
Published in
2 min readJan 4, 2019
Jet lag is a condition that can be improved with some simple dietary tips. (Shutterstock/-)

Recovering from jet lag after traveling a long distance by plane is no easy thing for most people. According to dietitian Ryan Maciel, research shows that what you eat and drink can significantly affect your biological clock.

Hence, other than avoiding alcohol and drinking lots of water, one of the things travelers can do to minimize jet lag is consuming these particular foods:

1. Carbohydrate for dinner

Eating carbohydrates like rice, pasta and potato for dinner can help your body sleep easier, reported kompas.com.

Additionally, protein-rich food, such as chicken and fish, is said to produce similar results.

2. Snacks before sleeping

To help your body rest, one can also opt to consume food like cherries or banana, or drink skimmed milk.

3. Have some berries

Berries contain fibers, water and antioxidants that are all very good to minimize jet lag.

Read also: How to deal with jet lag

Aside from berries, you should eat some watermelon and vegetables like lettuce and celery. All can be consumed as a snack or dessert.

4. Forget fast food

Avoid fast food after a long flight, as it contains a high level of salt and cheese that will make you thirsty and lose energy more easily.

5. Not a good time for coffee

Your body needs six to ten hours to process caffeine. Hence, even if you arrive in your destination in the morning, avoid drinking coffee and opt for chamomile tea instead to help you sleep easier. (kes)

Originally published at www.thejakartapost.com on January 4, 2019.



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