Hardest bug to find. So far…

Be wary… Closure compiler related post. And, by accident, my first post on medium. So be wary even more. 😆

Alexey Komov
Reflecting on bits
4 min readOct 10, 2013


For a months I was designing and developing my own app, which undoubtedly could be considered as large javascript application. The story of developing and being enlightened with ideas is most surely a story of itself, so maybe it will be told some time in the future. For now it’ll be enough to say that choice of closure library and closure compiler was only logical for an app of such scale.

Most development time was spent working with code in uncompiled form, though I did some compilation runs just to see what size compiled code would have. It was actually fun to see how code grew to 50k, then to 70k and then to dreadful — for that point — 100k. Then I added gzip ant task on top of compile task, just to easy myself that ungzipped size is not that important, but gzipped size is.

So it was finally time to compile whole application and to see if compilation broke any functionality.

And it did.

Uncaught TypeError: boolean is not a function

What was considered a boolean, mapped through source map in Chrome to perfectly looking function:

this.mainPaneBuilder_ = new rflect.cal.ui.MainPaneBuilder(this.viewManager_, …)

That said, compiler at that stage was generating 109 warnings, most of them were of private properties being overridden and class methods being incorrectly overridden, too. So at first, I tried to remove every and each warning, just to be sure that compiler do not complain. It was one strange thing though: —debug (dash-dash-debug) option was producing error-less compiled code.

So I removed each warning except one, coming from loader class:

WARNING — Bad type annotation. Unknown type rflect.cal.Loader * @this {rflect.cal.Loader} ^

You may notice @this directive here. That’s because earlier compiler was complaining that my non-constructor, plain object has methods that reference “this” in them. And I didn’t want to get rid of “this” inside those methods. You see, Loader is just plain object here.

But warning was about unknown type, isn’t it? I recalled that previous such cases were solved by adding deps.js file to compilation, as suggested here. But for this particular case it didn’t help, so I forgot about it for a while.

So, I was at the point when compiler emitted one warning ignored by me and erroneous compiled code. Hm…

Next thing I remembered that with —debug directive code was working. So in compiler source code I opened method which added options to compilation.

So there are 4 possibilities which could be responsible for broken code. By rebuilding compiler with different options on/off, I tracked one that was responsible: essential one — variable renaming (options.generatePseudoNames being false).

Then I tried to search variable name (“Rk” most of the time, but there were different namings) without source map, in compiled code. And… voila, I spotted such a piece (by luck, just because it was at the very end of compiled file):

Do you see any familiarity here? :) It was compiled code for loader, which, here, used “this” to assign property “Rk”. Now what we see:

  1. Initially, in uncompiled file “this” inside of plain object was ok, because object existed.
  2. After compilation, object was dissolved, and its method became global function, which assigned “Rk” to global space, which, by turn, clobbered some another “Rk” property (in my case, constructor function) which became boolean, true one!
  3. Compilation with —debug statement worked because names won’t collide, being derived from original ones, like “$rflect$cal$Loader$main$$”.
  4. When I redesigned loader as class with constructor and prototype, not only it removed error, but also strange warning of unknown type.

So morals here: do not use “this” inside of plain objects, but only in constructors and prototypes. This I knew and it was told here. But what I didn’t know is that @this directive won’t help to preserve object to which “this” is pointing! It’ll just silence compiler. So my version of this rule is — do not ever use “this” outside of constructors and prototype methods AND do not attempt to silence compiler by @this directive.

Hoped you were enjoying the reading. Thanks for attention. See ya.

I’m Alexey Komov — front-end developer and web enthusiast, interested in core and definitive Web things. Please share your thoughts about article. And you may contact me here.

