My first experience at the Berlin Holocaust Memorial

Nic Scottsdale
The Jewish Examiner
2 min readApr 9, 2018


Finally, our walking tour arrived at the Berlin Holocaust Memorial. As a young Canadian experiencing Berlin for the first time, this was my first real introduction to it. Our tour guide explained how a contest lead to choosing this artist. He warned us about the unequal, smooth pillars on uneven ground at inconsistent angles. How while you’re in it, sound echos and travel so that you never know where it’s coming from. You never know when you’ll run into someone else.

He left us to walk through alone and meet him on the opposite corner. How will I react to this? Slightly scared that the experience would bring my to tears, I set out.

Walking slowly through the memorial deticated to the murdered Jews of Europe is a decidedly chilling experience.

At first it’s exciting. The blocks are only waist height and you can still see your friends. The sun was setting so the warmth bathed over me while painting a dark face on the blocks far surface. Looking into one, it doesn’t give anything back. It just stands there. Forward more, left, straight, right, right. Where are you now? The blocks are now far above your head. The echos do nothing to help your orientation. The first inkling of fear sets in.

You’re suddenly aware of how small you are. Insignificant. Fear turns to panic and you move faster. Are you heading the right way? Are you facing back where you came from? Will there be someone greeting you at the next turn? Your feet hit the hard ground, echoing, and serve as your only refererence for direction. “Will I ever get out?” You can’t help but think.

Finally, you choose a direction. You breath and walk in a zigzag pattern to the opposite corner. Left. Right. Left. Right. Onward, just onward. Then, you’re there. The outside air tastes like relief and freedom. Looking back it’s shocking to see what you’ve just conquered. It’s satisfying, and humbling.



Nic Scottsdale
The Jewish Examiner

ENFP, Chaotic neutral, romantically obsessed. Stories about love, relationships, and unbelievable experiences.