Iran’s Regime Ratchets up Support for Terror Groups in Iraq, Yemen

Masoud Dalvand
The Jewish Examiner
2 min readSep 9, 2019
Hezbollah terrorist militias backed by the Iranian regime

On September 6, Houthi rebels in Yemen, in a statement confirmed their drone attack to a military base in “Khamis Mashit” in the “Asir” area of southern Saudi Arabia.

VOA Persian reported on September 5 that the Iraqi Hezbollah, which is an Iranian regime affiliate, is trying to control the international airport.

The Iraqi Hezbollah has repeatedly expressed its loyalty to Iran’s supreme leader, Ali Khamenei.

In an interview with the Euronews Farsi section, on September 5, Hossain Shariatmadari, editor in chief of the Supreme Leader-linked Keyhan news agency, said, “I believe criticizing Iran over its help to the resistance groups and leaving poor Iranians, it is necessary for our security, it is our priority.” “I don’t consider some of the regional countries as a ‘country.’ If for instance, Hezbollah or Ansar-ol-allah [Houthis] launch a missile, countries like Qatar will get lost. Soon this will happen,” he threatened.

On August 31, in an interview with Mehr News, an Iranian state-run news outlet, Akram al-Kabi, head of the Iraqi Al-Nojaba terrorist organization, threatened other nations in the region and presented himself as Iraq’s representative and said, “When everyone neglected helping us, it was the Islamic Republic that opened its doors to us.”

“We confidently say that our movement follows Iran’s Supreme Leader, Ali Khamenei, and we don’t hide this,” al-Kabi added.

For the past 40 years, the Iranian regime has never ceased funding its proxy terrorist groups across the region, and as the U.S. Under Secretary for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence at the U.S. Treasury Department Sigal Mandelker said in May 2019, “Iran provides upward of $700 million a year to Hezbollah.”

While the regime continues its support of terrorism, the people of Iran grapple with absolute poverty and regularly protest against the regime’s warmongering policies.

Originally published at on September 9, 2019.



Masoud Dalvand
The Jewish Examiner

Human rights activist and advocate of democracy, freedom, and justice in Iran.