The Day I Met Rehan Allahwala…

Leland Best
The Jewish Examiner
5 min readApr 8, 2018

It was one year ago today (April 5th actually, I’m a little late getting this over to Medium), that I became friends with a man from the other side of the planet, a man that changed my little slice of existence in this world with a few simple words, “I’d like you to meet…”

“You look good in pink, Rehan!”

That was just the beginning, before long I was flooded with friends requests from the country of Pakistan. From Lahore, Islamabad, Karachi, Balachistan, you name it. They arrived in droves! :) It didn’t take long for other countries to filter in as well, and after my personal interview appearance on the Meri Khani Show hosted by Fahad Younis​, as we say in these parts… “That was all she wrote!” My Facebook experience was never to be the same again.

Since that time, my worlwide network has expanded globaly at an exponential rate, mostly thanks to the vision of a man named Rehan​ who was on a mission of peace to change the world.

“Take and meet 500 of my friends from around the world”, he said. “You will meet many excited Muslims in Pakistan who are anxious to meet you” he exclaimed.

Boy, was he right… and not only about Pakistan.

As an open-minded Jewish man, Rehan was able to help me open my eyes a little wider to a side of the Muslim community I would have never gotten to see otherwise. It’s not all tucked neatly inside a politically wrapped care package of BS like that which the media and our governments would like you to believe.

Since then, I’ve met people from all over the world, including, but certainly not limited to: India, China, Vietnam, Hong Kong, Taiwan, S. Africa, Australia, Germany, Sweden, Netherlands, UK, Italy, France, Nigeria, Congo, Canada, and no doubt many others. This is just the tip of the iceberg.

We spoke at length about meeting in person. Rehan owns a U.S. business in Florida, so he travels from Pakistan to the United States every so often for business and pleasure. After a long back-and-forth over how we would meet-up in person, an opportunity finally presented itself. I had performed my share of friendly one-on-one interviews as host, and guest, with numerous people from various parts of his homeland, it was time to meet the man behind the Pakistani legend.

On the way out of a tech conference in Chicago, Rehan called me to say he would be passing through this little neck of the woods I spoke of earlier, a rural community of less than 3500 souls, sandwiched between Michigan’s State Capital of Lansing and former Murder Capital of America, Flint. It’s cornfields, soybeans, and whitetail deer in these parts. He said he was driving from Pensecola, thru Chicago, just to see little ‘ol me on his way to Niagra Falls, NY!

Rehan doesn’t give much notice before he arrives, and this wasn’t the first time he’s pulled this little stunt with others. He’s blatently fearless in his quest to find peace between Muslims and others, spends most of his time in live video on Facebook talking with whoever he meets along his journey. If you’re ever so blessed to make his acquaintence, you’ll see exactly what I mean.

We had at least that day to prepare. My wife wanted it to be a perfect welcoming meal for our friends from the other side of the planet. We weren’t going to let this be just any old normal meet and greet. My wife made a luxurious Jewish dinner, one complete with a homemade meatloaf, Israeli salad, and of course a healthy portion of matzah ball soup!

Members of his family and a friend arrived along with Rehan. His son Abdulla, daughter Mariam, and close friend Usman were all very respectful, kind and courteous the entire time. Both of the younger ones wanted to help my wife in the kitchen to clean up.

Ms. Mariam Allahwalla and Mrs. Jenna Best — A Muslim and a Jew making Peace, not so hard.
Everyone say “Peace”!!

After sharing a meal full of many heartfelt thanks, we moved on to the living room. We spent nearly 5 hours that evening getting to know one another, it wasn’t long before we were singing karaoke to the tune of John Lennon’s “Imagine”, even though that evening I’m not sure either one of us could carry a tune.

See for yourselvesRehan and Leland sing (sic) “Imagine” by John Lennon

The evening also included over an hour of LIVE video broadcast to my LelandBest LIVE FB page via Facebook LIVE from our TV/laptop/webcam combo. We spoke together on diversity, peacemaking, family and friends. Entrepreneurship was how we met, but this wasn’t about that. We even spoke together on the taboo topics like religion, and politics. Yet the entire time, no one lost their cool, blew their top, or expoded into fits of anger and rage. Odd, don’t you think?

We like to think this is what normal, rationally thinking people are supposed to do, or at least in our book, it should be.

If you have a heart for cultural diversity, then you owe it to yourself, and others, to see what’s really out there on the other side. Don’t take anyone’s word for it, because it will have already been tainted by their own bias and worldview. Only YOU can see things from within your own shoes, people can try to step into them, but you and ONLY you see things a certain way based on your own morals, ethical standards, and perhaps even your own theology, beliefs and/or politics.

Make your own decisions, and discernments. Do your own due diligence. There is an exciting world waiting for you, one that wants you to experience the joys of humanity and to play a part in the efforts of creating peace across this planet between those that are willing to work together to do so.

If you want to see the world, it all begins with your first step.

Take Rehan’s 500 FRIEND EXPERIMENT, and see if it doesn’t change your life FOREVER!

From Left to Right — Mr. Rehan Allahwalla, Mrs. Jenna Best, and the author Mr. Leland Best.

Rehan Allawalah is a Pakistani-born entrepreneur with a passion for networking and peacebuilding. He is also an American businessman and travels extensively around the world speaking on stage at various technology and networking conferences. Google him to find out more…



Leland Best
The Jewish Examiner

Author | Mentor | Video Producer @ BCBLive!™ — Father, Grandfather, Lover of Little Things. Enjoying Life With My Wife Along the Shiawassee River.