Introducing The Job Hunt

A community edited publication of freelancers and the people who need them.

The Guild Association
The Job Hunt
2 min readFeb 2, 2020


Photo by Clem Onojeghuo on Unsplash

The Guild Association’s full goal is to create structured guilds that can provide services for groups of tradespeople. But we’re still a long way from being able to create true guilds. In the meantime, we do want to do everything we can to help freelancers succeed, and that includes finding ways to connect freelancers with people looking to have work done for them.

And so, we’ve set up The Job Hunt, a community edited publication focused on connecting these two communities. While there are a number of community run publications on Medium already, they’re very broad in nature. People can basically post whatever they want. And that’s great. But it can get a little bit overwhelming.


This publication is more specific. People will be able to post job listings, articles about the work that they can do, and other similar articles, in the hope that they can obtain work or find a freelancer who can do work for them.

Freelancers are allowed to post multiple articles about themselves and the work they do, but each article must be unique. You can showcase a project you’re currently working on or have completed, write a partial C.V., or some other article that promotes what you do. People looking to have work done for them can post an article about the project and the kinds of freelancers they’re seeking to hire.

We’ll also probably accept a series of articles on job hunting tips, and other related topics, in order to keep the publication thriving as more than just a help wanted page.

Over time, we’ll add more detailed formatting guidelines, and help each group maximize their chances of connecting with each other.


If you’re interested in submitting an article introducing yourself as a freelancer, or asking for someone to join a project, email us at


We do not vet any of the freelancers that post here. We do not guarantee their success. Do your due diligence when thinking about hiring anyone. Write a detailed contract for the work being done, and use a verified payment method.



The Guild Association
The Job Hunt

The Guild Association is an organization dedicated to promoting modern cooperatives for the gig economy.