
John Hartmann
“The Job”
Published in
1 min readMar 19, 2016

Mr. Trump describes himself as a businessman, a Republican, a conservative and a patriot. In an election contest such as this it makes sense that he would be attacked by unions, Democrats, liberals and those who question the uniqueness of America. And, he has been bombarded, hammered and tonged, day and night, by all the agencies of the left. On that side who is not against him? He has united the left. He’s Hitler to everybody over there.

That figures.

He is also taking heavy fire from businessmen and business women; from most elected Republicans, from most conservatives, and those not enthralled with the specialness of this experiment. They are bombarding him, too, with fire just as heavy, hatred as intense. He has united the right. He’s Hitler to everybody over there.

Does that figure?

A signal accomplishment. He has brought together The National Review, The Republic, the Nation, the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal. He has brought together Graham and Cruz, united them with the Schumers and the Reids. Put Move on and George Soros and Jim Ayers on the same team with Romney and McCain and all Bushes. All have the same motive: Kill Trump. They will send their children over the top.

Has anyone ever been attacked by so many with so much?

Well, there was this movie called “Gladiator” (There were tigers in it.)

If someone insists that you…confess your sins! …they’ve got you. The constitution you’ve got makes that impossible.

Does it?

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John Hartmann
“The Job”

Mr. Hartmann resides in the Poets House on Riverside Drive in Richmond Virginia.