She’s Melting…She’s Melting…

John Hartmann
“The Job”
Published in
1 min readJul 14, 2016

There are many bright and savvy people on both sides of this contest. There are persons of great passion and experience who have suited up and are on the field, knocking heads.

Mary Anne Marsh, one savvy democrat. Laura Ingraham, one savvy republican. Those two are named because of their political excellence but the list of such folks could run on for days.

Maybe you know such a person. Maybe you are such a person. So you might ask them or ask yourself; do you see Clinton getting any stronger as the campaign goes on…and on?

That’s not how she rolls.

It’s always “Anything can happen” day. But character is fate, it is not? And history is what happened last time, isn’t it? Remember what happened the last time she was inevitable?

What causes this? Time. Truth’s fiercest ally. If you make Truth your enemy, look out for Time. There is a lot of it between now and November. What to do?

She’s not fading like Sham in The Belmont.


The Constitution has an older brother: The Declaration of Independence. The four most important words in that thing are:

“We hold these truths….”

The Job 7,15,16



John Hartmann
“The Job”

Mr. Hartmann resides in the Poets House on Riverside Drive in Richmond Virginia.