They Hate Him So

John Hartmann
“The Job”
Published in
2 min readDec 13, 2017

Has any living American seen such hatred for a President?

Have you?

You were here for Watergate, for the Misery Index, for Vietnam. How does it feel, this Trump Fear and Loathing?

What’s the reason for it?

You ask, you get fifty answers. Why they hate him doesn’t seem to matter, much. They just hate him. They really do.

What does that hatred do to them?

It effects their eyes. They open them to see Trump gone. Or, want him gone so much nothing else matters. Just got to get that guy out of there. So they grab at anything that might bring him down. Colluding with Russia to win the election? Of course. Even if untrue, it ought to be true. Rapist, liar, molester, bankrupter, yes to all.

He becomes the worst things people accuse him of being because he has to be or the hatred doesn’t work.

No one is going to give the guy a break. You don’t give the Antichrist a Mulligan.

Suppose you possess this hatred and you’re in the news ­business. Or the FBI. You can’t help it from spilling out. You just can’t. What the country sees and hears is the referee stabbing the player.

The country may have hard time forgetting that.

How many will never trust you again?

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John Hartmann
“The Job”

Mr. Hartmann resides in the Poets House on Riverside Drive in Richmond Virginia.