To Lose The Future

John Hartmann
“The Job”
Published in
1 min readDec 1, 2016

The magnitude of the loss is mind-boggling.

9.9 on the Richter Scale. Look at it. Lost the presidency, and all it implies. All the US attorneys, the future Supreme Court, all the agencies, all the diplomats, the military, the economy, the weapons: IRS, ICE,FBI, ATF, FDIC. And a thousand priceless things: The ability to pardon, Air Force One, dinners in The White House, the bully pulpit, the people bowing down, supplicating, the place in history, all gone, gone glimmering.

Worse. Look at the guy who beat you.

The opponent you prayed you’d get to run against. A reality tv host who knew the secret to handling women. A mistake parade. A boor. If that’s the guy who beat you -hard question to answer- what good are you? Careful what you pray for.

What’s harder on the mind? To lose something you never had? Or to lose something you actually have?

To lose something you never had is to lose the future. To have spent all that time, expended all that energy, planning what you’d do when you won, then losing? This can’t be. It just can’t.


The Job 12.1.16



John Hartmann
“The Job”

Mr. Hartmann resides in the Poets House on Riverside Drive in Richmond Virginia.