Report: Mavs owner Mark Cuban blames himself for keeping former reporter Earl K. Sneed

The Jolt Journal
The Jolt Journal
Published in
3 min readFeb 21, 2018

According to a report from ESPN, Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban says he is solely responsible for the decision on keeping Earl K. Sneed onboard. Sneed is a former reporter and was accused of two separate domestic violence incidents. Cuban told ESPN on Wednesday that it was a “horrible mistake in hindsight.”

Cuban said that he was not aware of “gruesome details” of the 2012 domestic incident dispute that had resulted in Sneed being arrested at the Mavericks’ office. This was reported by Sports illustrated this week.

“I want to be clear, I’m not putting the blame on anybody else,” Cuban told ESPN. “It came down to my final decision that I made.” In hindsight, Cuban said, “I would have fired him and still made him go to counseling.” He expressed regret for not following up properly with the authorities to discover additional details on the first incident.

“It was bad, but we made a mistake about the whole thing and didn’t pursue what happened with the police after the fact,” Cuban told ESPN. “So we got it mostly from Earl’s perspective, and because we didn’t dig in with the details — and obviously it was a horrible mistake in hindsight — we kind of, I don’t want to say took his word for it, but we didn’t see all the gruesome details until just recently. I didn’t read the police report on that until just [Tuesday], and that was a huge mistake obviously.”

“So when the second time came around … the way I looked at it was — and, again, in hindsight it was a mistake — but I didn’t want to just fire him, because then he would go out there and get hired again and do it somewhere else,” Cuban told ESPN. “That’s what I was truly afraid of and that was the discussion we had internally. It was a choice between just firing him and making sure that we had control of him. So I made the decision, it was my decision and again, in hindsight, I would probably do it differently. I made the decision that we would make him go to domestic abuse counseling as a requirement to continued employment, that he was not allowed to be alone without a chaperone in the presence of any other women in the organization or any other women in a business setting at all, and he was not allowed to date anybody [who works for the Mavericks]. From that point on — and the investigators are going to see if we missed anything else — he appeared to abide by all those rules, as far as I knew.”

“So that was my decision. What I missed, and it was truly a f — — up on my part, because I was not there [at the Mavericks’ office], I looked at everything anecdotally. My real f — — up was I didn’t recognize the impact it would have on all the other employees. I looked at this as a one-off situation where, OK, if I don’t do anything, this person could go out there and do damage on another women another time. Or do I say, can we get him counseling to try to prevent that from happening again? I thought I was doing the right thing at the time. What I missed, again, is I didn’t realize the impact that it would have on the workplace and on the women that worked here and how it sent a message to them that, if it was OK for Earl to do that, who knows what else is OK in the workplace? I missed that completely. I missed it completely.”

Originally published at The Jolt Journal.



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