FATMAP Early Access Community: Making a new global map, together

Adam Robinson
The Journal by FATMAP
2 min readDec 13, 2017

Many beta programmes are pretty straightforward. You sign up, receive an early version of a product and provide some feedback. It’s transactional. It’s not very rewarding.

At FATMAP, we’ve developed the Early Access Community. It’s a beta programme with a mission. To not have a transactional relationship. To listen to your feedback, insights and opinions and show how they are really making a difference to the products we build.

Our Mission

We’re building the global outdoor map. The mission of the Early Access Community is to;

Build a global map that will help people have better, safer adventure in the outdoors, and to build that map together.

You’re the ones putting the products to the test. Every day, in real situations, you use FATMAP to make decisions. Those decisions will result in you having different experiences. It’s your experiences that we want to hear and will make a positive difference to how and what we build.

Join The Community

You can follow the beta program here. We’ll post all of our updates on how the products are progressing and what differences the community has made.

If you want to be a part of it, you can sign-up and apply by following this link (https://earlyaccess.fatmap.com).

There you’ll find some more info and a simple form. Once you’ve signed up, you’ll receive a welcome email that contains a survey. It’s really important to us that you take the time to complete the survey as it helps us understand your experiences in the outdoors and you as a member of the community.

If you have any questions, you can simply hit reply on the welcome email or visit our help desk for more info.

Liv Sansoz and Tony Lamiche using FATMAP on the Finsteraarhorn. Credit: Ben Tibbetts

What’s in it for you?

Of course, you’ll receive early versions of all our products and help shape the future of FATMAP (which we think is pretty awesome). Also, we send swag and have a whole heap of partners we work with.

You don’t have to commit a lot of time, but dropping in and checking out the new products, sending some feedback and following the journey should only take around half-hour, once a week. That’s around one day out of the year. Knowing how precious your time has become, that would mean the world to us.

Here’s the link again: https://earlyaccess.fatmap.com

You can reach the Early Access team at earlyaccess@fatmap.com

