Issue 15

Kevin Rose
The Journal by Kevin Rose
4 min readMay 29, 2017

Welcome to a previous issue of The Journal. To get the latest issue delivered to your inbox, once a month, sign up for the newsletter here.

Hello friends!

New this month: I’ve created a section I’m calling the “Science spotlight.” This will be a link list of my favorite science stories over the last month. There are some gems in here, click on the ones that interest you.

Be well,

PS. — I’m on Instagram

App update

In last month’s newsletter, I announced that we’re building a meditation app. I’ve decided to share the entire process with all of you, as it unfolds, in our private Facebook group (now over 10,000+ members). You’ll see wireframes, mockups, detailed expenses and even have early access to the beta. It really is a truly behind the scenes look into our app creation process.

Join the group to get access to the early beta. If you’ve already joined, thank you!

Video: The economics of airline class

A fascinating look at the history of travel class and the economics behind them. How much money does an airline make from First, Business and Economy? How do fares vary based on where they begin?

The economics of airline class (Video: 11:37)

A positive outlook may be good for your health

“Look on the sunny side of life.”
“Turn your face toward the sun, and the shadows will fall behind you.”
“Every day may not be good, but there is something good in every day.”’
“See the glass as half-full, not half-empty.”

“Researchers are finding that thoughts like these, the hallmarks of people sometimes called “cockeyed optimists,” can do far more than raise one’s spirits. They may actually improve health and extend life.”

A positive outlook may be good for your health (NY Times, 7 minute read)

Video: cell division time lapse (not animated)

At first glance, this would appear to be an animation, but it’s not. It’s a custom designed microscope that has captured a tadpole egg dividing, time lapsed, over 33 hours.

Cell division (Video: 0:23 seconds)

Amazon is just getting started

A year ago I told you that I’m holding a large stock position in AMZN and FB for the long term. Outside of uncontrollable world events, I can’t see anything slowing this behemoth. More than half of every dollar spent online now goes to Amazon. Insanity.

NOTE: Talk to a professional before investing. This is not investment advice, just my take.

Amazon is just getting started (Economist, 7 minute read)

Author of Moneyball: “Being Lazy Is the Key to Success”

“When was the last time you felt comfortable doing nothing? Not for an hour or a day, but in general, with no immediate projects at hand? Have you ever taken on a project just so you wouldn’t be inactive, just to keep things going? How many better opportunities have you missed because that project made you too busy to pursue them?

In this short read, Michael Lewis (author of Moneyball), argues that by being less active means you’ll be available when something “truly worthy of your best effort” presents itself. In a world of neverending “hustle” and “side projects” it’s important to remember that spreading yourself too thin can be a bad thing.

Being Lazy is the key (Inc., 4 minute read)

Science spotlight

The month’s best health and science links worth reading.


“It is easy to hate and it is difficult to love. This is how the whole scheme of things works. All good things are difficult to achieve; and bad things are very easy to get.”

~Confucius (551–479BC)

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Kevin Rose
The Journal by Kevin Rose

Builder. Meditator. Husband of @summertomato, father to Zelda & Toaster.