How to Tactfully Charge Money For Your Newsletter

The first time I paid for a newsletter, and why I had no problem forking over my cash

Kristi Keller
The Journal of Firsts


A peddler of information keeps trying to friend me on Facebook and I don’t appreciate it. He has something to sell and he wants me to buy it, but he’s not at all interested in being my friend.

How do I know this? Because not once has he had any form of interaction with me before he had a product to sell.

Don’t get it twisted. We’re not friends.

It is quite possible the marketer I’m referring to noticed we have many mutual writing contacts and thought I’m someone who just gives a big Facebook YES to everyone. I’m not.

I’m very selective in who I give my time and money to, and I suspect I’m not unique in this regard. I interact with those who interact with me. When I can see you have my best interest at heart, I’ll give the same in return.

Whatever happened to getting to know each other first, never mind like each other enough to welcome them into our personal space?

I get it, we’re part of a grand community of writers, but I like to take my sweet time getting to know the contacts I’d like to know. It is only then that I accept them into my space.



Kristi Keller
The Journal of Firsts

Write like no one is reading, because it might be true. Never let the truth stand in the way of a good story.