

Kendall Johnson — Writer & Visual Artist

Although the News Gives Us Reasons for Despair
We Remember Alexa’s Story:

Off Hwy I-71 Photograph by Kendall Johnson copyright 2022

Alexa’s Story

The painted wall of the room looks flat, then part of it moves and walks away. Or, down a normal street, a flat painted cut out person in jagged black and white walks by looking very much alive. Body paint head to foot, you realize. Artist Alexa Meade playfully surprises and beguiles us into
questioning just what is real, and just where we stand within that real. As the painted model dances out of her context again, your view of her world — and your place in yours — shifts all over again.

comets, stellar bursts
whole galaxies colliding
you find your way back



Kendall Johnson—Writer & Visual Artist
The Journal of Radical Wonder

Artist and writer living in SoCal, recovering from a career as teacher and crisis/trauma consultant. Contributing editor to the Journal of Radical Wonder.