Kevin Ridgeway
The Journal of Radical Wonder
2 min readOct 13, 2023
Illustration by Jane Edberg

We stood in a crooked line

that extended from the nurse’s

station to the activities room,

dressed in our pajamas at three

on a Tuesday afternoon. We

peeled and scratched the Elmer’s

glue skins from our hands in the

wake of arts & crafts group, where

I declined to create a self portrait

out of macaroni, instead laboring

over an elaborate beaded bracelet

I was going to give to the pretty

Armenian girl who overdosed on

New Year’s Eve, having failed to

die like the rest of us had all

wanted to.

Nerves tickled my pumped stomach

when she kissed me on the cheek,

her packed bags in hand after she

scrawled her cell phone number on

the front of my Xeroxed Relapse

Prevention handout. I never saw her

again, but I was on top of the imaginary

world at the front of that line with that

bracelet hidden in my sweaty palm and

my mouth opened wide so that the

Filipino nurse could be sure I swallowed

my lithium, daydreaming about that

crazy girl mixed up with crazy me, both

of us far away from that ward of catatonic

lunch room Pictionary teammates in a

place where we would have more than

just the will to live.

Originally Published in Chiron Review

You can also find this poem in my first collection, which can be ordered here:



Kevin Ridgeway
The Journal of Radical Wonder

Kevin Ridgeway is a widely published poet and award-winning writer from Long Beach, CA.