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Adapt or choose

Vegard Ressem
The Journal of Uninteresting People
1 min readSep 4, 2019


We can adapt to anything. In most cases, we will be alright if our life changes. The adaptation mechanism in us is powerful, just think about Viktor Frankl who watched people adapt to their conditions in concentration camps during WWII. Think about how you adjusted to your job, your relationships, and your habits. Are you really happy with your situation, or have you adapted to just okay?

Just because we can adapt, doesn’t mean we should accept everything that happens to us. Yes, you will most likely survive, and even be content with big life changes (after a while at least). However, if you can, wouldn’t it be better to stay on top of the future and create your own road? Planning, structuring and striving for what you want is better.

So many live a life of unused potential. A life of unfulfilled happiness. Take action where you can. Don’t adjust to a life you don’t really want, a life under your potential. Stay ahead of it and choose your path.



Vegard Ressem
The Journal of Uninteresting People

Went through some stuff, gained an interest in myself, and now I want to share what I’ve learned. Interested in philosophy, psychology and better living.