Beyond Capital: Getting Your Software Designed and Developed

Jonathan Van
Technium: The Next Era
3 min readFeb 9, 2016

At Technium, we work with serial entrepreneurs and highly experienced senior executives a lot. What experienced operators know at this point in their career is that capital is a commodity, but sound strategic advice and a world-class network is priceless.* I consider what we do co-venturing because we bring capital, strategic advisory, and services to the table.

One of our most in-demand services is our reliable access to design and software engineering talent all the way up to proven CTO and Chief Architects. Almost every new opportunity, whether it’s building a simple marketing website to a complex hardware/software integration needs reliable digital talent.

I have conversations with founders and corporate executives all over the country outside the startup hubs of the Bay Area, LA, New York, and Boston and all of them are reeling for reliable, gifted designers and developers. Most of them don’t even need someone on a full-time basis. They just want a project done. The disparity is staggering.

This is where we step in and help founders and executives. We build a dedicated team — Project Manager, Designer(s), and Developer(s) — on a project basis. Why? Because projects are what you need to quickly get case studies done to prove your concept. Proven concepts get you funded. If it’s an internal project, we’ve found even the smallest software projects can yield HUGE improvements to your business metrics.

I believe most new ventures outside of the large hubs don’t get funded because they don’t have access to the talent needed to build leading edge products. I also know middle market executives are squeezed for great talent to build internal software that could scale their business. They are losing talent to the startup hubs. This doesn’t have to be the case. Work with us and get your projects done. Worth every penny.

Since we’re typically investors, we ask all the important questions in the design phase. We won’t tell you your project is really great unless it is. We will focus on cutting a lot of the fluff you thought was great. In fact, we will turn away projects if we don’t think it’ll succeed. We’re here to design and build valuable software at a price that’s win-win for you and us. We hate shops who keep bumping a contract into a bloated case. We are more likely to keep you within scope versus let you throw dollars at something if you don’t need to because we’re investors and operators too.

Share this with a friend in need. They’ll be in your debt for the introduction.

Contact me at if you need a project done. We typically do paid contracts, but are open to a split of cash and equity if we love your project or it could be spun out as a separate company.

Read more about our other services here:


At Technium, in our venture division, we source technologies and startups from organizations investing heavily in R&D, but lack sophisticated venturing expertise and channels to market for the opportunities they create. This includes universities, hospitals, and corporations. Then we show the deals to our operator network. Many times they’ll co-invest and operate the new venture with us as the CEO and we’ll support them essentially as the CXO.

*I understand capital is still paramount and why we have capital and a syndication network, but by the third and fourth time around, everyone knows the value isn’t driven by the first $50,000-$250,000. Immense value is created by bolting together and aligning world-class executive talent with world-class technology and inventors.

Originally published at

