The Journey Prayer Guide

Day 3: Abused Children

Sexual abuse is a hidden pandemic that affects millions of children in every country. Often, children’s abusers are family members or people they know and love. Worldwide, approximately 1 million children are forced into prostitution every year, and as many as 10 million children total are prostituted.


Pray that God would rescue abused children around the world, especially in Brazil and Thailand where child prostitution is most rampant.

Ask God to bring justice to pimps and others who are involved in prostituting children.

Pray for counseling and health care for rescued children who are often suicidal and have contracted HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases.

Ask God to give Compassion’s pastors, volunteers and others on the frontlines the resources and wisdom to know how best to protect children.

“Continue to remember those in prison as if you were together with them in prison, and those who are mistreated as if you yourselves were suffering.” — Hebrews 13:3



Compassion Magazine
The Journey Prayer Guide

Compassion Magazine takes you deeper into the world of children living in poverty with powerful ways to connect, including stories, photos and videos.