The Myth of the Socialist Left

The ‘Democrats are Socialists’ trope has been a GOP talking point for decades. But who’s really more extreme?

Marlon Weems
The Journeyman.
Published in
5 min readNov 4, 2020


Members of the Proud Boys and other right-wing demonstrators march across the Hawthorne Bridge during an “End Domestic Terrorism” rally in Portland, Ore., on Saturday, Aug. 17, 2019. (AP Photo/Noah Berger)

During an appearance on This Week with George Stephanopoulos last weekend, Jason Miller, Trump campaign advisor, deadbeat dad, and all-around sleazy guy, made this comment:

“President Trump will be ahead on election night, probably getting 280 electoral somewhere in that range, and then they’re going to try to steal it back after the election.”

Why a veteran journalist like Stephanopoulos failed to push back on the ‘Democrats will try to steal back the election’ talking point is a mystery. We’ve known for months Trump wants to invalidate as many legitimate votes — in the right localities — as possible. But Jason Miller’s use of the ABC platform to spread misinformation, notwithstanding, he revealed Team Trump’s game.

Republicans intend to challenge mailed ballots arriving after Election Day as a pretext to challenging all mailed ballots. The Trump campaign hopes to halt the entire mail-in count by claiming ballot commingling with pre-election Day mailed ballots. At the same time, their lawyers plan legal arguments up the judicial chain, hoping for a SCOTUS decision in their favor.



Marlon Weems
The Journeyman.

Storyteller. I write about American culture and growing up Black in the South.