A Handful of happiness

The Joy Experiment
Published in
1 min readNov 14, 2017

Giving a compliment to someone is a very simple easy thing to do. Giving a simple “You look beautiful” or “I like your hair” can make an impact on a person. Not only does it make them happy, but as well to the person who is giving the compliment.
A few days ago I was feeling very happy and joyful. It was a day that I was not feeling exhausted, irritated, nor frustrated. I was so happy that I wanted to make someone else feel the same way as possible. When I saw my new friend approaching I gave her a nice big smile. I said, “Good morning Elizabeth!” She responded back, “Good morning to you too!” After giving our greetings I started to tell her how beautiful, smart, funny, and kind she is. When she thanked me for the compliment I gave her the last compliment, which was about how amazing her eyes are. I told her that they are so colorful that I wished I had them too because they were so pretty. When I gave her those compliments she had a big smile on her face. Throughout the day we gave each other laughs, and smiles that made her and me feel Joyful.

