Help motivate someone

The Joy Experiment
Published in
2 min readNov 10, 2017

Motivating someone is a way to give help, support, and care for a person. To motivate someone can help those with by just using simple words that can change the way they look at things.

A few days ago I helped someone I knew to be happy. She was not looking happy so I all I could change that frown upside-down was to motivate them. I said, “Hey how are you today?” She didn’t respond back and stood in silence. I knew that she was not doing good at all. So then I knew I had to motivate her to feel Joy. In order to do that I had to show her love, humor, and kindness. As she listens to me I discussed with her about how life is never perfect and to never give up despite the challenge. That humans are not perfect when it comes to happiness, we need others to make us happy by showing that they care for one and other. After making that person feel very happy in the end I saw how she did it towards others at the end of the day. Finally, the next day the person was more positive and more joyful than ever. I knew I did a great thing to change the way a person feels on the inside. Motivating others in a sport, life, and any other thing can make them the most joyful person.

