My experiment of being nice to others

Lilian Ayyoub
The Joy Experiment
Published in
3 min readNov 13, 2017

Motivating people can be really hard, but it can make someone feel better. Motivating people can be expressed in so many different ways including variably, and physically. Every time I get motivated to do something it makes me feel better and it makes me feel like someone cares for me. I encourage people and motivate them because some people don’t have that in there lives and they really need the support. Another reason I motivate people because some people want to give up and end their lives but with a little support they can change that.

Today I tried to motivate someone and I succeeded. I texted some of my best friends on a group chat and I motivated them. I was mostly motivating Mari Carmen because her mom was in the hospital. Mari Carmen was really scared for her mom’s life and she was crying. I told her “don’t be scared you’r mom is okay she is just stressed and need to relax a little bit.”

Complementing is something you can do for someone to feel more confident about themselves. Complementing also means to show someone there actual beauty and make them realize it. Complementing is very important because in today’s society there are not a lot of complementing going on. Another reason I like to compliment others is because I feel like you would get closer to that person. People need to try to compliment someone at least once a day.

I tried to compliment someone each day and I succeeded. Today I complimented one of my best friends which is Sarah. Sarah is a really nice, helpful, and really brave person, but she does not know that. I tried to prove that to Sarah and telling her everyday that she was pretty and really nice. Complementing Sarah brought us closer as friends and it was a nice experiment on how people react.

Another thing I did for my experiment was to help people with homework or classwork. Helping people can happen in multiple ways. Helping people can be helping with anything, but some people take advantage and cheat or copy. A way I help people is when I sit with them and explain something to them. On this experiment I learned that even if people are really smart they will still need help with something.

On my experiment I helped multiple people but I especially helped Ocean because he sat next to me. I usually helped Ocean in history because he was struggling in that class, and our teacher lets us work together sometimes. Another way I helped Ocean is we meet up after school and we sit together and help each other. Another person I helped was Jesus in Science because he also sits next to me. Another reason I helped Jesus is when he has questions.


From this experiment I learned that you don’t have to be a hero to help someone out. I learned that helping someone out can make you feel special, and feel smarter than you already are. From this experiment I also learned that no one is perfect, but everyone is unique i there way. Another thing I learned is when you give someone a compliment you will feel proud of yourself, and you will receive a compliment back or at least a thank you. Finally last thing I learned was that whatever you do from these things yo will make an new friend.

