Motivate Others

Victoria Ascencio
The Joy Experiment
1 min readNov 13, 2017


Today I will try to motivate others to try to bring joy to them and to myself. I hope that everything goes great. Throughout the day I tried my best to motivate the shadows that came to visit our school. I motivated them in two ways. The first way I was able to motivate them was by telling them to enjoy themselves while they are here so they can get the full experience at our school because it may be where they spend their next four years.

One girl that came to visit seemed really nervous and I helped her and made sure she felt comfortable. The second way I was able to motivate them was by telling them how great this school is so that if they got accepted they would be excited. Also be motivated to come here. I think that motivating someone can bring joy to his or her because they feel like someone cares about what they are doing and that is a good feeling.

