How to Rebuild Your Self Esteem After a Break-Up or Divorce

💫 Sienna Clarke
The Joy of Ex
Published in
3 min readDec 13, 2020


The rebuild is crucial to your survival.

When your separation or divorce process starts, you’re likely going to find that your self-esteem is shot.

Rebuilding that self-esteem is crucial to successfully move on after a breakup or divorce.

Moving on successfully means that you’re okay not being in a relationship with your ex anymore. It may take months or even years to get there, but it’s going to take some effort regardless.

The shock of a divorce can be devastating. You need to learn how to focus on positive things and learn how to appreciate what you have. You’ll feel much better about your life when you learn to think positively.

Cry. It’s cleansing.

I’ve always thought that crying is how we cleanse emotionally. It’s like wringing out a washcloth in preparation for its next use.

Cry until you’re sick of hearing the sound of your own voice.

Crying will make you feel better. Not about getting divorced, but it will allow you to purge the persistent lump in your throat.

Crying is like removing the hand from your throat that keeps you from taking a deep breath.



💫 Sienna Clarke
The Joy of Ex

Single mom to 3 grown ups. Growing into my writing career and enjoying the progress. I write mostly about self discovery, self improvement and relationships.