Business lessons from my 9 year old kid

The Joy of Parenting
6 min readFeb 14, 2019


Image by / Freepik

I assure you, the conversation with young Mr. Wong was a brutal one. I admit that I’m writing this article with a little grin on my face. A little bit of pride and maybe an ounce of bruised ego.

A bit of history. I recently left my corporate job and decided to embrace the road to entrepreneurship. Well, maybe that’s a nice way of putting it, but let’s leave it as such. :) As a result of that, I got to spend quite a bit more time at home until I got my office and business setup.

Maybe I should say “conversations” as the conversation took place on various occasions. The first being on a weekday evening after dinner. We were watching YouTube videos together in home office, and out of the blue he popped a very adult question!

“Daddy, are you not going to work?”

Clearly he’s seen me around the house a lot more these days, and gathered that I’m not going into office. One would wonder what is going through his little mind right now having to process the thought of an out-of-job parent. For those who knows little Isaac would know that this is a kid that is very conscious about money and someone who picks the toys he wants to play with from the birthday presents he received and asked his mummy to sell the rest for money which he would put into his piggy bank.



The Joy of Parenting

HR Practitioner for over 20 years in IT, Pharmaceutical, Medical, and Consumer Healthcare. Currently the Head of Talent at a Consumer Healthcare Company.