My “Bossy” Little Girl’s got Leadership Skills!

The Joy of Parenting
6 min readFeb 28, 2019


Image by Freepik

The quote “I want every little girl who’s told she’s bossy, to be told instead she has leadership skills”, by Sheryl Sandberg had been discussed, blogged about and shared countless times on the internet. I must had lost count the number of times that I’ve seen it. However, despite all that, it still makes me sit back and wonder how much of this I would agree and not.

First Reaction

As a parent to a feisty little 5 year old girl who thinks she’s a cat (and sometimes a pretend rabbit), I must say there was a tinge of pride and a smug look on my face every time I read the quote. Hell yeah, my little girl’s got leadership! She’s meant to rule the world! She exhibits every possible traits of a bossy little monster, stomping her feet and not talking to me when she’s not happy about things. Just this morning, after being told off, she refuse to talk to me for the whole journey to school and instead decided to meow all morning in show of defiance.

Now, that’s a bossy little monster! And to be honest, a part of me felt proud that she stands her ground and refused to be shoved around. Watch out guys!

As an Asian parent

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The Joy of Parenting

HR Practitioner for over 20 years in IT, Pharmaceutical, Medical, and Consumer Healthcare. Currently the Head of Talent at a Consumer Healthcare Company.